Adam Chernitsky

Hello, my name is Adam.

I am a Software Engineer. I love creating and designing web apps. I love to work with creative and dedicated people and companies. I'm also an avid basketball player and gamer.

I’m a recent graduate of Flatiron School. Flatiron has played a huge part in keeping me motivated to continue my journey in learning code. Before Flatiron I had zero experience in software engineering but in 15 short weeks I learned multiple languages (Ruby, JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, Node… ) and with the languages I learned I passed a couple code challenges and created many projects. Building projects is where I really found the passion for web development. Facing issues and bugs and having to persevere through them to get your web app working the way you want is what kept me involved and interested. If it was easy everybody would do it and it would quickly become boring.

Previously I worked in very physical job fields, those being a package handler for Fedex ground and a soda technician for Denver Beverage. In these fields I was loading packages and installing soda equipment. After working many years in physical jobs I decided I wanted to make a career change and do something that requires my mind and more importantly creativity. I genuinely enjoy the creative mindset and the logic that is needed in web development and the endless amount of knowledge that there is to keep someone who is driven to learn hungry.


I am well versed in multiple languages and frameworks. These languages include:

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node

To view experience click below.


Here are some of the projects that I built while I was at Flatiron School.

Alumni Social

This website is the beginnings of a social media website. I built this websites frontend in react and the backend in node.

Alumni Social

Here is the video demo

React Dog App

This was my mod four project that I built in React with a backend in Ruby on Rails. I made this app because of my love for dogs.

React Dog App

Here is the video demo

JavaScript Dog App

This was my mod three project. I made this version of the dog app in JavaScript before I went on to improve it using React.

JS Dog App

Here is the video demo

Trading Cards

This was a group project that my partner and I did in our second mod at Flatiron. It's website where you can view cards of some of the worlds most revered scientists and trade them amongst other users.

Trading Cards

Here is the video demo

Get in touch

Please feel free to reach out, however the best way to get ahold of me is through my email. Also if you have time please take a look at my blog on Medium.